Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ciao, Fierenze!

We're just about to leave Fierenze (Florence) for Venezia (Venice), so I'd like to add a few things.

We love Italy. Every one of us is enjoying the food and the beauty of the buildings and the general friendliness of the atmosphere. Florence is a small town, so easy to get around on by foot. I'm surprised Roger mentioned that it was expensive, since we've switched over to the Euro, which is better for us than the British pound, and we have walked everywhere, whereas in London we were often forced to "top up" our cards for the subway. On the whole, the expensive part is that we've really loved the clothes and food here!

We went to the Galleria dell'Accademia and saw Michelangelo's sculpture of David, among other sculptures of his and many Madonnas and Bambinos. At the Uffizi the next day, we saw many MORE paintings of Madonnas con Bambinos (Madonna and child), as well as several very, very famous Botticelli paintings ("The Birth of Venus" and "Spring"). We also saw some Leonardo da Vincis, and many Roman busts. Then Ms. Harings got hungry and cranky and drove Dr. Zellmer from the museum in order to find lunch.



molzmom said...

wow you guys! sounds like a blast. Ask Molly how the "thinker" looked!!! LOL.......that is a joke between us!!! I am delighted to hear that all is going well.

patty said...

Hey Guys...Next year I'm coming sounds like you're having even more fun than I am.....(still here working away at BASIS)
Be Good!!!

Miss Harings cranky????? I dont believe it!